
德國總理默克爾昨日展開一連兩日的訪華之旅,料與中國領導人談及人權等問題。 圖片來源:路透社

“To me, this dialogue is very important because 25 years ago, when the peaceful revolution took place in the former GDR, this finally led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and enabled us to have a free dialogue. I think it’s also important here in China to have such a free dialogue.”

– German Chancellor Angela Merkel, speech at Tsinghua University in 2014

對我來說,這(人權)對話非常重要,因 25 年前,一場和平革命在前德意志民主共和國(東德)發生,終致柏林牆倒塌,並讓我們得以自由對話。我認為,在中國有這樣的自由對話也很重要。

- 德國總理默克爾(2014 年於清華大學發表之演辭)