

Percy Leung:敲擊樂手之苦

在我有份演奏的神劇,約瑟夫.海頓的「四季」中有 28 位小提琴手,即使其中一位出錯或是彈錯了一個音符,觀眾皆難以察覺。然而,作為敲擊樂手的我便沒有這般幸褔。在短短一節樂章中,我需要在 1 分鐘內兼顧敲擊低音鼓和鈸。當我猶如獨奏者般敲響這些樂器,正正由於它們迴蕩全場的響亮聲線,絲毫差錯都將顯露無遺。敲擊樂手若有半點差池,所有觀眾都一清二楚。
In my performance of Haydn’s The Seasons, there were 28 violinists. Hardly anyone in the audience, if any, would realise if a violinist had made a mistake or played a wrong note. However, this was not the case for me, who played the bass drum and cymbals together during the minute when I actually had to perform. As I was playing these instruments alone like a soloist, and because of the tremendous sounds that these instruments made, there was no hiding if I made a mistake. Everyone in the audience would know if I was late or early to an entry.