

【Soul Monday】跨國界交響樂團

政治制度、意識形態、宗教信仰等等的分歧,足以令毗連之地成為百年仇敵。同在一島的愛爾蘭與北愛爾蘭,曾經發生長達 30 載的血腥衝突,使很多人留下永難磨滅的創傷。一個受北愛和平進程啟發的交響樂團,便將隔在邊境兩側、擁有天主教和新教背景的年青人聯繫起來,為世界帶來音樂、笑容和希望。

Percy Leung:Southbank Sinfonia

The one orchestral concert that is forever etched in my mind, however, was not delivered by a widely acclaimed orchestra that charged astronomical prices. Instead, it featured a group of young, talented musicians that have just graduated from some of the world’s leading music conservatoires. The ensemble – the London-based Southbank Sinfonia – was little known outside Europe when that concert took place in 2015.