This is the last part of my series of articles on the musical qualities of the London Underground. Attentive readers might be puzzled by the publication of this article, given that I have explored all eleven London tube lines already. However, a number of other lines are also incorporated on the London tube map, and it would be fitting to recognise their unique characteristics as well.
近日「彭博」報道,店舖盜竊案在澳洲和紐西蘭大幅增加,而且愈發猖狂、暴力和有組織,令兩國每年損失估計近 100 億澳元。無獨有偶,「經濟學人」日前亦指英國店內扒手激增,時裝連鎖店 Primark 表示利潤因此減少,零售集團 John Lewis Partnership 的主席甚至形容為「流行病」。生活成本飆升或是共通成因,但恐怕並非唯一且最大元凶。
Percy Leung:If Every London Tube Line Were a Piece of Classical Music —— Part 4
In the first three parts of my current series of articles on the musical qualities of the London Underground, I have examined eight of its eleven lines, including the likes of the vociferous Jubilee Line, the sluggish Circle Line and the ghostly Northern Line. This week, I will turn my attention to the remaining three tube lines on the network: Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan and Bakerloo.
Percy Leung:If Every London Tube Line Were a Piece of Classical Music —— Part 3
In the first and second part of my current series of articles, I have discussed the quintessence of six London tube lines and likened each of them to a piece of classical music. I am excited to continue this musical exploration of the underground network in the British capital. This week, I will turn my attention to the Northern and District Lines and explore their distinctive features and qualities.
Percy Leung:If Every London Tube Line Were a Piece of Classical Music —— Part 2
On 15 June, I published the first part of my series of articles on the musical qualities of the London tube lines. In a nutshell, the Jubilee Line is a cacophonous monster, the Central Line is nothing short of a depressing nightmare, while the Piccadilly Line has attained the very attributes of a bemusing jester. This week, I will turn my attention to three other lines and liken each of them to a piece of classical music that shares their acoustic characteristics.
Percy Leung:If Every London Tube Line Were a Piece of Classical Music —— Part 1
Since it began operations back in 1863, the London Underground (colloquially known as The Tube) has consistently been one of the busiest metro systems around the world. It has eleven lines and, having travelled on each of them frequently since I moved to London a year ago, I have discovered that every line was just like a piece of classical music, each with its own distinct musical features and characteristics. Some are more delightful than the others. Some are just not my cup of tea. But all of them paint a musical canvas that stretches and bolsters my imagination.
師奶們愛逛超市,我媽也不例外。媽在香港也逛盡區內超市,她的宗旨很清晰 —— 哪家超市有抵買的東西,她就會到哪家。這 3 星期她訪英的節目離不開逛超市,我也安排她到英國的 10 大超市打卡。她現在知道:愛逛超市的,不會到便利店版的超市。只有規模大的超市才能滿足我們購入不同種類食材和物品的需要。
每個天氣好的星期日,我們都會帶兒子到近郊地方玩,除了可以讓他「放電」,也希望帶他出外見識。萊斯里普(Ruislip)是其中一個我們喜愛的地方,更有適合一家大小的活動。Ruislip 屬於大倫敦的希靈登區(Hillingdon),在倫敦市中心的西北面。20 世紀初,大都會鐵路(Metropolitan Railway)在 Ruislip 開設車站,這個小村莊便開始蓬勃發展,也吸引了很多人到 Ruislip Lido。
林喜兒:黑暗的倫敦 —— 踩鋼線的警探
Luther 也像 Benedict Cumberbatch 版的 Sherlock 一樣,走遍倫敦大小街頭,讓我們看到一個不一樣的倫敦,看第一、二季更被這個陰暗的城市嚇怕,感覺走在街上隨時有危險。Luther 就是在既有的方程式上發展出獨特的風格,永遠穿著灰絨長外套的 Luther 是個瘋狂的警探,為了緝兇不惜一切,踩著鋼線行事。
倫敦正仿效巴黎及紐約的棄用鐵路建設改裝計劃,將市中心一段廢棄高架鐵路,改造成「空中公園」。經過居民、企業、政治家及捐助者 5 年來的規劃、設計及籌款,地方規劃當局終於準備批准肯頓高架公園(Camden Highline)的首階段工程。
倫敦的文化多元,也令我感受到身份政治之複雜,到真正與來自世界各地的人一起共存,就體現權力關係如何在身體和生活環境之中游動。身份建構大抵是一個沒有盡頭的過程,我也不急於在離開香港的第 2 年就要找到答案,反而有一絲絲期待這種亂中有序的狀態,會把我塑造成一個怎樣的人。
移民前,我們都愛到郊外。香港雖小,但也有不少小農場,我們喜歡到錦田的雷公田村飲農場鮮奶和餵綿羊。來到這個城市,我們都想找一個綠洲。這個位於東倫敦 Isle of Dogs 中心的農場正正就是我們想找的綠洲,Mudchute 有 32 英畝,相等於 18 個標準足球場的大小,有超過 100 隻動物。
【Soul Monday】拯救老倫敦煤氣燈
我是 LonKongMaMa,在倫敦定居了 8 個月的全職媽媽。結婚前,我媽從來都不要求我做家務。婚後,有工人姐姐打理家務。很慚愧,我的確是名正言順的溫室小花。唉,連媽都質疑我移民後是否能應付得到。
19 世紀公使館擄人風波:孫中山倫敦蒙難記
領事館是一個國家派駐外地處理外交事務的機關,理論上職員受到外交豁免權,若果有案件在領事館內發生,所在國的司法機構往往難以追查,有時候甚至會引發外交風波。當中國正值晚清時期,經過一連串與列強的戰爭,被迫打開門戶,進入了世界體系後,在 1896 年就發生了一場知名領事館擄人風波 —— 革命黨領袖孫中山被綁架到大清駐倫敦公使館。