
圖片來源:Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

當你攬鏡自照時,印入眼簾的不僅僅是自我的臉龐,而是一整座博物館。就某種意義來說,我們的臉是自己的,但也可以說這張臉是從父母、祖父母、曾祖父母、曾曾祖父母…… 繼承而來的種種特徵所湊成的一張拼貼畫。不管是否喜愛自己的嘴唇和眼眉,這些都不僅僅是自身的、也都是祖先的特徵;就算他們已經作古了千年,其碎片仍然在我們的身體裡鼓動著。

大衛.安東尼 (美國人類學家)

“When you look in the mirror you see not just your face but a museum. Although your face, in one sense, is your own, it is composed of a collage of features you have inherited from your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on. The lips and eyes that either bother or please you are not yours alone but are also features of your ancestors, long dead perhaps as individuals but still very much alive as fragments in you.”

David W. Anthony, American anthropologist