小灰:啹喀傳奇系列(二)—— 5 個有關啹喀的冷知識

圖片來源:Col. Christopher Lavender, former commandment of 2/2 Gurkha Rifles

1. 傳統啹喀兵由 4 個不同的尼泊爾族群組成

Gurung 與 Magar 來自西部山脈部落,Rai 與 Limbu 則來自東部。雖然尼泊爾是印度教國家,亦是佛祖釋迦牟尼誕生之地,但尼泊爾人信奉多元宗教 —— 尼泊爾人相信天地萬物皆有靈性,除了印度教及佛教之外亦會拜祭祖先。

2. 啹喀兵是如何招募的?

以前啹喀兵的招募,要依靠退役的啹喀兵(Galla Wallah)走訪村落口耳相傳。要成為啹喀兵,必先要通過身體檢查及體能測試,包括在 2 分 40 秒內跑完 800 米;做最少 12 下掌上壓或引體上升;以及於兩分鐘內完成 70 次仰臥起坐。另外亦包括一項名為 doko race 的負重賽跑。Doko 是一種尼泊爾竹籮,啹喀兵要背負一個重 25 公斤、放滿沙石的 doko 於 48 分鐘內完成 5 公里。

3. 與大型籌款活動有關?


4. 來香港的任務是……

啹喀兵於 1948 年首次踏足香港,負責於香港和中國邊界執行反偷渡客任務。根據退役啹喀兵所講,有時一晚會有超過 100 名偷渡客企圖潛入香港。啹喀兵亦於六七暴動期間出動,維持社會治安。

5. 曾經的褔利

1985 年,香港童軍總會曾經創立一個「啹喀分區(Gurkha District)」,為啹喀兵子女提供教育及服務,但在 1997 年已解散。

啹喀傳奇系列是與 Gurkhas in Hong Kong 聯合創辦人、啹喀兵後人 Dhiraj Gurung 先生共同撰寫,旨在還原啹喀兵真實歷史及促進港人對尼泊爾人的了解。Gurkhas in Hong Kong 是一個非常有意義的歷史紀錄活動,歡迎大家在社交媒體上留言,對這批曾經在香港無私付出過的軍人表示支持,以及分享此文章,令真實的歷史資料得以保存。多謝。
  • 英軍招募的啹喀兵須通過一連串體能考核。 影片來源:TheGurkhaBrigade/YouTube

The legend of Gurkhas: 5 facts you didn’t know

圖片來源:Col. Christopher Lavender, former commandment of 2/2 Gurkha Rifles

1. Traditionally Gurkhas were recruited from four ethnic groups in Nepal; the Gurungs and Magars from Western hills and the Rais and Limbus from eastern Nepal. Although Nepal is a Hindu nation and also a birthplace of Gautama Buddha, for these ethnicities, religion was not only limited to Hinduism or Buddhism but also to animism and worshipping of ancestors.

2. In the past recruitment was assisted by the Galla Wallah – former serviceman employed to visit remote villages and spread the word about the possibilities of an army career. One has to be able to run 800 m in 2 minutes 40 seconds, do minimum 12 push-ups/heaves (no time limit) and minimum 70 sit-ups in 2 minutes.

There will be a basic medical check-up too.

One of the hardest physical challenges of Gurkha recruitment is a doko race, a 4.5 km uphill run that has to be completed in less than 48 minutes carrying a doko basket with 25 KG bags of sand.

3. The famous Oxfam Trailwalker Hong Kong was actually a training exercise for Gurkhas in Hong Kong.

4. The first Gurkhas arrived Hong Kong in 1948. Most of the time the Gurkhas in Hong Kong were deployed to deal with an influx of illegal immigrants from Communist China who streamed across the border into Hong Kong. Sometimes there were some hundreds of illegal immigrants in a single night! While they were also engaged in internal security tasks during civil disturbances resulting from China’s cultural revolution.

5. As of the scouting movement in Hong Kong, to provide support and facilities for children of Gurkhas, the new district known as ‘Gurkha District’ was established in 1985, which was later disbanded in 1997.

This article is co-write with Mr Dhiraj Gurung, a descendant of Gurkha, project founder of Gurkha in Hong Kong. Gurkha in Hong Kong is a meaningful historical study aims to acknowledge the contributions of Gurkha soldiers in Colonial Hong Kong. Please leave your comments in social media to show your support, and share this article so that the our common history will not be forgotten. Thank you.
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