


圖片來源:Wiki Commons

1. 前首相艾士基思夫人形容勞合喬治:


“He can’t see a belt without hitting below it.”

圖片來源:Wiki Commons

2. 勞合喬治形容邱吉爾:


“He would make a drum out of the skin of his own mother in order to sound his own praises.”

圖片來源:Wiki Commons

3. 邱吉爾形容工黨首相艾德禮:


“A sheep in sheep’s clothing.”


“An empty taxi arrived at 10 Downing Street, and when the door was opened, Atlee got out.”

by Central Press, bromide print, 25 November 1942
圖片來源:Central Press

4. 前首相艾士基思女兒形容工黨領袖 Stafford Cripps

「Stafford 爵士很有主意——當他拿定主意之前。」

“Sir Stafford has a brilliant mind – until it is made up.”

圖片來源:Wiki Commons

5. 工黨首相威爾遜形容閣員 Tony Benn


“Tony Benn is the only man I know who immatures with age.”

圖片來源:Wiki Commons
圖片來源:Wiki Commons

6. 工黨財相 Denis Healey 形容保守黨政客 Geoffrey Howe:

「遭到 Howe 的攻擊,好像被死羊咬傷。」

“Being attacked by Geoffrey Howe was like being savaged by a dead sheep.”

Margaret Thatcher
圖片來源:Wiki Commons

7. 工黨前黨魁列文斯東形容戴卓爾夫人:


“I’ve met serial killers and assassins but nobody scared me as much as Mrs Thatcher.”



“(She had) the eyes of Caligula and the mouth of Marilyn Monroe”

圖片來源:Wikimedia Commons
圖片來源:Wikimedia Commons

8. 倫敦市長莊遜形容貝理雅:


“Nailing Blair is like trying to pin jelly to a wall”


9. 作家 Ian Hislop 形容最近支持脫歐的倫敦市長莊遜:


“People always ask me the same question, they say, ‘Is Boris a very very clever man pretending to be an idiot?’ And I always say, ‘No.'”

圖片來源:Wiki Commons
圖片來源:Wiki Commons

10. 作家 Caitlin Moran 形容首相金馬倫:


“A C3PO made of ham.”